Variation Swatches

Global Attribute

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

Global Attribute Based Variation Swatches

With IWPS, you can create global attributes and apply your variations data to them. Follow the below steps to create your global attribute setup.

  1. Create an attribute
  2. Add variables in attribute
  3. Add swatches data to the variables
  4. Add attribute to a product

We recommend using global attributes to enhance WooCommerce features.

Create a global attribute

Follow the steps shown in docs to create your global attribute setup with IWPS.

Go to Products > Attributes

Add your attribute name and slug. Also choose the type of your variation. With IWPS, you can choose between color, image, button, and, radio buttons.

If you want to use a dropdown here, you will need to use a specific disabler option.

After your custom attributes are registered, you have 2 options.

  1. Edit attributes
  2. Configure terms

We will continue to Configure terms in this doc.

In configure items section, You will need to add your variation data.

You will see options based on your selection of swatches type. As we selected color for this demo, we will be able to add single or dual color in the field.

And after this, our global attribute of “color” will be created with it’s first field “red color”.

You will need to create all of your variables like this. Once all the variables are made, you can use them into a products very easily.

Add global attributes to Products

Go to your product’s attribute area and click on add new attribute.

You will need to choose the attribute name first. As you can see on the above image, our attribute type names are colors, sizes and demo attributes.

After adding attribute to product, you will need to assign variables.

After that, save the product page and variation swatches will be visible for your product page.

After your attribute setup is complete, you will need to follow the product swatches settings doc.