Variation Swatches

Custom Attributes

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

Custom Attribute Based Variation Swatches

With IWPS, you can create custom attributes and apply your variations data to them. Follow the below steps to create your custom attribute setup.

  1. Create a product
  2. Convert product into a variable product
  3. Add attributes
  4. Add custom entries
  5. Add required product data
  6. Publish product

We recommend using global attributes to enhance WooCommerce features.

Even though we recommend using a global attribute products, It is not always possible to have attributes prepared for some unique types of products. We have pointed out some cases when you should consider custom attributes over global,

  1. If you are not going to use the same variation for multiple products
  2. If you do not wish to use the filters function
  3. If you have a very large number of variations for every product
  4. If you have different variations for every products.

Create custom attributes

To create your custom attribute based product setup, Follow the below steps.

  • Create a new product
  • Convert it into a variable product
  • Add your other product information and save the product as a draft.
  • Go to Attributes > Click on Add New 
  • You will need to give attribute group a name
  • After attribute group is created
  • You will need to assign entries in the group
  • Add entries by separating with | character.
  • Click on save

Your custom attribute based product page will be created as you publish the product page.

After your attribute setup is complete, you will need to follow the product swatches settings doc.