Woocommerce Variation Swatches
All in one solution for WooCommerce products. Get benefits of more features in single plugin. Enhance look of product page from average to professional.
Product Demo
Archives Page Demo ( Store / Search )
Plugin Features
With Benefits of 56+ in-built features you can customize your Product page to the fullest as per your requirements.

Additional Gallery Images
You can add additional images for every variations separately. On selection of any variations, complete product gallery changes images. You can add unlimited number of images for variations with plugin.
Designer Variation Swatches
Create Designer variation swatches for your products. You can customize default dropdown based variations into user friendly variation swatches.

Customized Product Page
Customize basic WooCommerce product page into attractive, user friendly page with this plugin. You can customize every product page element with InnovativeWP’s plugin.
Types Of Variation Swatches
Add Color, Button, Image, Dual Color, Radio & Dropdown Based Variation Swatches.

Archives Pages
Show Variation Swatches & Additional Images on Archives pages. You can also show features like stock information, Variation limiter, single preview images, tooltips and more.
Product Videos in Gallery
Add Product Video in your gallery. You can add videos from Youtube, Vimeo and Self hosting. You can customize video player too.

Automatic Dropdowns To Swatches
Convert all dropdowns into designer swatches automatically. Implement updated stylesheet within a single click.
Vertical Product Gallery
Customize gallery design, You can make vertical and default horizontal product gallery. Also you can change the alingment of the product gallery.

Hiding Animations
Set different animations for not available products. If product is out of stock, not available or removed by the admin then you can place different animations to hide them.
Sharable Links
You can create Sharable link for every variation selected. You can create sharable link based on product attributes.

Show Text & Image based tooltips on product. You can show tooltips on Archives pages too.
Stock Information
Show stock information on product page and archives pages.

This plugin is already translated in English, Italian, Chinese, Spanish, French, Arabic, Russian, Portuguese, German. Also It is compatible with WPML, Loco Translate & other translating plugins.
Product Limiter
You can set a limited amount of variations visible only. If your product has many variations that you cannot show on the archives page directly because of User experience and website design, Then you can limit the visibility of variations with Variation Limiter.

Device Responsive
If you want to customize the gallery settings based on the viewing device, Then you can change the dimensions of the gallery related to a device. If you want to show the product gallery smaller in mobile and tablet devices then you have to adjust the settings as per your designs.
Gallery Sliders
Covert rows of images under your main product into a designer slider containing all the gallery images. Add all of the gallery images into a slider.

Quick View
If your theme supports Quick View button in archives page then you can show variation swatches and additional images in quick view tab.
More Detailed Information
With 1000+ active installations within 3 months, Solved 100+ queries on client support & Tons of features and customization options.

Enlarging Variations
If you want to change the size of a specific variation only to make them different from others then also you can do that with pro version.

You can add tooltips on swatches to give additional details about the product. You can make custom, attribute & Image tooltips.

Stock Notice
It shows if the product is on low stocks to users, It shows the exact number of stock notice for every variations.

If your product page or archive page has 30-50 variations then it will look awful, You can use limiter at different places to show a fixed number of variation.

It supports the attributes in filter to also transfer text to colors and buttons, this feature varies from theme to theme.

Variation Names
It allows you to show the variation names of the product’s attributes on product page before the swatches.

Sharable Links
Like amazon and ebay it allows you to create sharable links for every variation attributes. which can definitely improve the site’s structure.

From the color of borders, size of borders, shapes to animations You can control every customization options.

Default Dropdowns
If you want to use Default dropdowns and new stylesheet, It was not possible before but now We have created that feature too.

Import / Export
It supports CSV import /Export & WordPress Importer to transfer products then it will be imported and exported into different sites.

AJAX Loading
All the variations are based on AJAX loading, product page doesn’t need to be loaded constantly for every selection.

3 animations are available currently for Not available and out of stock product‘s variations to hide on selection. You can disable them before loading also.

Clear Button Function
Added in 2.0.0
If someone don’t want to use clear button then it was not possible to redo the variations but now it can work without clear button variations.

Single Image Issue
Created in 2.1.0
Now it is possible to Change the images by only selecting color, previously image was changing only after selecting all variations.

Single Archives
Solved in 2.2.0
Variation Image changes on Search & Archives page on selection of variation.
How Does Plugin Works?
Step: 1 > Add Additional Images
WooCommerce does not allow to add images for every variation separately, this plugin takes care of that feature. It allows you to set specific images for every variation. For example: On the selection of a yellow mobile device, only images related to a yellow mobile device will show up and others will hide.

Step: 2 > Add Variation Swatches
You can create color, button, attribute, radio, and image buttons as variations. There are tons of features and options to customize for both global and custom type of attributes.

Plugin Support

Follow the documentation of this plugin to find more information about features.

Support Forum
Check the forum before submitting any issue. It will save your waiting time.